Fun with Adobe Illustrator

Somewhere hidden deep inside me is an illustrator waiting to come out.

Many moons ago I took a graphics and animation course at a college on Vancouver Island in Canada. After making some really unmemorable illustrations, I was given an assignment to create an illustration using most of what I learned. After thinking about it for a while - actually about 30 seconds to be precise - I came up with the perfect thing to illustrate. I looked at the can of coke sitting on my desk in front of me and thought that would be a fun challenge. It was familiar to everyone and a good three-dimensional object.

So, here it is the result.

Study in Coke Can-ness by Glenn J. Lea

Study in Coke Can-ness. Copyright © Glenn J. Lea 2021.

It isn’t an exact copy of the can of coca cola but it is art. I spent hours looking at a can in front of my keyboard and recreated the font, the lines, the artwork using Adobe Illustrator. I changed the colours somewhat, just for fun. And as usual for me, it has a message.