Adding multi-lingual support

You can set the language for the document using the babel package. This pack­age man­ages language-based ty­po­graph­i­cal (and other) rules as well as hyphenation pat­terns for a wide range of languages.

You can se­lect a sin­gle language to be sup­ported or several languages in which case you can switch from one lan­guage to an­other within the document as required.

The package ba­bel uses configuration files that pro­vide the de­tail of what has to be done for each lan­guage.

Monolingual support

In the following example, only US English is selected.

%% Use US English

Multi-lingual support

In the following example, German and US English are selected.

%% Use German and US English

More details on the babel package are available here.

Next: Defining page size, margins and layout