Commands for font formatting and lists

LaTeX provides commands for formatting fonts and creating lists.

Formatting fonts

To make sections of text use the following:

\B{...}  - bold
\I{...} - italic
\T{...} - monospaced
\TB{...} - monospaced bold
\TB{...} - monospaced italic

To format paragraphs use the following:

\textbf{Road Runner} - bold
\textit{ACME} - italics
\emph{ACME} - italics
\underline{Tunnel Ahead} - underlined

Formatting ordered and unordered lists

When making an unordered list, you use itemize. When making an ordered list, you use enumerate.

Use itemizeto create an unordered list as shown below.

\item \textbf{Body} - The thing that holds the fins in the right place.
\item \textbf{Fins} - The things that steer the tunafish in the sea.

Use enumerate to create ordered lists as shown below.

\item Get a boat
\item Get a fishing rod
\item Find fish
\item Open can of tuna fish
\item Cast the line out 
\item Reel in the tuna fish

Formatting nested Lists

Use the following commands to create nested lists.

\item \textbf{Body} - The thing that holds the fins
     \item The yummy part that you can eat
     \item Lots of bones and stuff that you cannot eat
     \item \textbf{Fins} - The things that steer the tunafish
        \item The fins are sometimes sharp
        \item Do not eat them

Resuming a list after paragraphs

I found it rather annoying that LaTeX didn’t have an easy way of dealing with interrupted lists, until I learned this tip on StackOverflow.

Use the package \enumitem and the [resume] option on an enumerate scope to cause the LaTeX typesetter to continue numbering from the previous list.

First, add the enumitem package to the stylesheet for resuming enumeration after intervening text element.


Then in the text use [resume] to continue the list, as shown in the following example.

    \item List item
    \item Another list item

A randomly inserted paragraph.

    \item Further item
    \item Final item

Paragraph of comments on list items 1 and 2.

\item Further item
\item Final item

Next: Inserting images